Unieke expertise
Stap binnen in onze wereld van heerlijke geuren waar permanente en gelimiteerde collecties kaarsen, interieurparfums en body wellness op je wachten. Vervaardigd met uiterste zorg en expertise belichaamt elke collectie een unieke savoir-faire. Van tijdloze klassiekers tot seizoensgebonden toppers, ons aanbod belooft zintuiglijke verwennerij en algeheel welzijn in elke flikkering en geur.
The subtle soul of man shines through in the creation of our hand-blown glasses. The incandescent material is wrapped around a rod, as the craftsman's breath brings the form to life. Colors appear thanks to the inclusion of confetti or strands of glass that appear randomly, as if by magic. hand-blown glass is a precious technique that embodies the craftsman's know-how.

It all starts with an idea: a destination, a place, the memory of a setting, a happy moment. The power of creativity comes into play, and we decide to stylize a building, to revisit an abstract or figurative motif. The design takes shape and is then printed on a frame where natural pigments and precious metals fill in the details of the motif. The more colors there are in the design, the more frames are superimposed. Finally, the print can be brought to life on a biodegradable film, which is applied to the glass by hand like a decal, that fuses with the glass after passing through a 600-degree oven.

Raffia is een inheemse plantensoort die elk jaar wordt geoogst. De bladeren worden gedroogd en dan in lange repen gesneden zodat ze geverfd en vervolgens gehaakt kunnen worden. Onze vrouwencoöperatie in Madagaskar maakt al sinds 8 jaar de raffia voor onze Raphia-kaarsen, onder impuls van onze creatieve directie. De motieven worden eerst getekend en dan gemaakt door de haaksters in Madagaskar. Dankzij dit jaarlijkse project kunnen vrouwen een degelijk inkomen verdienen en hun kinderen naar school sturen.
Metallization is a very delicate decorative operation on glass. A precious-metal-based paint is applied with a brush to cover the entire glass surface. The glass is then passed through a very high-temperature furnace. Under the heat, the shine and mirror effects are revealed.

Our ceramic candle collections are a reminder of a noble material from the earth, the one we knead, mold and glaze. All our ceramics are handmade in Portugal. A mold is first developed and reproduced in all our sizes. The material is poured into it and then dried and hardened. After a few days, the object is taken out of the mold and plunged into the glaze to cover it with color. This is when the final transformation takes place: the piece is fired at very high temperatures in a kiln. The magic of the material and the work of craftsmen who practice the same gestures from generation to generation.

Sublimation involves printing the design with natural pigments on a biodegradable film. This is then applied around the glass and heated so that it adheres to the material. The flame can be seen through the design, which lights up like a lamp, bringing the candle to life.